On Nov 7, 2007, at 21:27, Andreas Siepert wrote:

The empty-fo:block variant doesn't work my way. I already considered it but
it does not only create a new line but also inserts an empty line.

Really? Hadn't checked that, actually... If so, I'm not sure if that is correct behaviour, so we might have to look into that. :/

I rather
want to make some kind of HTML <br> replacement: one <br> -> newline, n
<br>s in a row -> n-1 empty lines.
I will try your first suggestion - it sounds pretty good if the processor
output can be manipulated that way.

Yep, it's definitely the way to go if what you need is what is described above. The issue with empty fo:blocks is also one of performance, BTW. They only generate additional overhead, while the layout-algorithm has a ball with preserved linefeeds.

It might take some caution, though, since generally, unexpected linefeeds tend to pop up that survive the XSL transform. Be mindful about linefeeds coming in from XML source like:


The leading and trailing linefeeds will both be presented to FOP, and might thus cause mayhem if you use linefeed-treatment="preserve". In case you're not sure where the value of the input node comes from, use normalize-space() in the XSLT to strip those off.

For all else, I certainly do hope that you do not need hyphenation in this case, because currently this combination leads to all sorts of strangeness, like duplicated pieces of paragraphs...



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