In addition to what Pascal suggested: You can plug in a custom
URIResolver. When the image package redesign is completed you should
also be able to return a DOMSource as the result of URI resolution. At
the moment you have to return an InputStream.

Jeremias Maerki

On 16.11.2007 09:55:05 Raphael Parree wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if the following is possible and what would be the best
> approach. We use a lot of SVG (exported from Visio). These SVG always need a
> manual fix to make line ends (arrow etc) visible:
> <style type="text/css">
>    <![CDATA[marker { overflow:visible; }]]>
> </style>
> I would like to insert this style element to each svg during generation. The
> SVGs are added as external images. So I would need some sort of image filter
> to add this to the DOM tree of the SVG.
> Is this possible, and what would be the best approach.?
> Tx.,
> Raphael

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