On Nov 30, 2007, at 19:00, Daling Xu wrote:


I am using FOP to generate PDF from an XML doc.

In my PDF, I would like to insert image in some places, but because not every time I have an image for all the element in the xml, I use a XSL:If statement like this way:
<fo:block >
<xsl:if test="@statusImageURL"><fo:external-graphic src="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/></xsl:if>
<xsl:value-of select="@status"/>
<snip />
Any idea what's wrong with my XSLT?

Nothing inherently wrong about it. Are you *absolutely* certain the source does *not* contain the attribute (not even an empty one)?
Another (very remote) possibility:
Does the source XML contain a reference to a DTD, perhaps?
Not 100% certain, but I seem to remember having seen this once: an empty attribute being added due to DTD validation. If the attribute is not defined as #IMPLIED, but with a default value of "" (empty string), then it could be added by the XML parser, so we wouldn't see it in the source, but the XSLT processor would.




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