Thanks to Vincent for the earlier answer about page-breaking and tables;
I am looking forward to trying 0.95 when it’s available.

On a completely different project, I am having trouble (still with 0.94)
with PostScript Type 1 fonts.

I have the complete set of New Caledonia Type 1 fonts, originally
installed on a Macintosh.  I have .pfb and .afm files for each font.
However, FOP complains:

Mar 21, 2008 4:32:44 PM org.apache.fop.fonts.autodetect.FontInfoFinder
SEVERE: Unable to load font file:
file:/home/crism/src/atmom/./new-caledonia/NewCaledonia.pfb. Reason:
Cannot load font: failed to create Source for font
file /home/crism/src/atmom/./new-caledonia/newcaledonia.pfm

The long-term question: Why does FOP care about PFMs when AFMs are
available?  PFMs contain less information and are usually only found on
Windows machines.

Short-term question: Does anyone know of a better AFM-to-PFM convertor
than the 14-year-old afm2pfm that’s still floating around?  It dumps
core on my Linux box and does not produce helpful results.

Thanks in advance for any help,

[Just in case anyone cares: Yes, I purchased the set of New Caledonia
from Linotype, which included a license to install the fonts on up to
five computers and one printer. (-:  Unfortunately, the install key is
long since lost, and wouldn’t have let me install on Linux anyway.]
Chris Maden, text nerd  <URL: >
“Metonymy and synecdoche don’t do the fighting and dying, the
 soldiers and the townspeople do.” —John Crowley, _Endless Things_
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