First of all, thank you to all who have helped me get this far.

I have an xsl and can generate the appropriate xml from the data in the database. When I run the fop command manually, it generates a very nice looking pdf with no errors (other than a font message).

I use php code to generate the xml file. This php is invoked via an AJAX call. After the xml file is generated I use the php command


When I do that, I get the error message "invalid flag after regular expression". I posted to the php and javascript newsgroups, but they said that it was probably from the fop. I also googled for the message with very little luck and I search for the message in all my code without finding it.

Does anyone have a suggestion? As a last resort I will set up a cron job to run it if the xml file is there and the pdf is not there. However, I would much rather this happen synchronously.

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