Thank you - yes it does make it more clear.

The # is an indication that the font your are using has no matching glyph
for the non breaking hyphen.

>From your initial post I incorrectly assumed that the problem was incorrect
line breaking behaviour of the non breaking hyphen. Obviously that is not
the case.

For the time being the only solution I can offer is to find a font that
contains a glyph for that code point. FOP is not doing anything wrong as
such. Although an argument could be made that FOP should substitute the
glyph for a normal hyphen when there is no glyph for the non breaking hyphen
in the selected font. However, 'intelligent' glyph substitution is a more
generic problem which I believe FOP has not tried to tackle so far.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, 30 April 2009 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Does FOP support non-breaking hyphens?

> May be post a fo snippet showing what you give to fop and then describe
> expected and the actual output.

Thank you for your answer!

I am using FOP 0.95 (latest stable at the time of writing).

I am trying the following fo snippet.

                                This is the example with 2011 (as char) non
breaking hyphen:
                                This is the example with 2011 (as hex) non
breaking hyphen:
                                This is the example with 2011 (as number)
non breaking hyphen:
                        <fo:block> This is the example ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with
an HTML shy hyphen:
-line </fo:block>
                        <fo:block> This is the example ZZZZZZZZZ with non
breaking space :
;next&#160;line </fo:block>


- The hyphens in the first block are hex 2011 chars inserted directly into
the FO file from the VIM editor
- The hyphens in second block are entities with number 8209
- The hyphens in the third block are entities with hex 2011
- There are hyphens in 4th block with hex AD inserted directly by VIM
- The non-breaking-space in the 5th block are entities with number 160

I run this snippet with FOP using
fop -fo hyphens.xml hyphens.pdf

Expected output

First Block: This-is-a-line-with-8209-characters sentence appearing with
hyphens but it should not break at any point.
Second block: The same as first
Third block: The same as first
Fourth block: The sentence Bigandlong... with no visible hyphens. Only one
visible hyphen when it breaks
Fifth block: The sentence Big and long... with spaces but no break at all

Actual output
First block:The sentence appearing with "#" characters instead of hyphens
Second block: Same as first
Third block same as first
Fourth block: As expected (so this works OK)
Fifth block: As expeected (so this works OK)

Thus the problem is that I get the "#" (sharp symbol) instead of a
non-breaking-hyphen in the PDF output.

I hope this is more clear.

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