---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sally Khudairi <s...@apache.org>
Subject: Love Apache? Give Back with a "MyApache" Shoutout!

The Apache Software Foundation has become a worldwide force in the software
industry because of the diverse programs, applications,and tools built on
its projects such as the HTTP Server, Tomcat, Hadoop, Lucene and many
others. This year, we’re celebrating 10 years of the ASF!

While the Foundation and committers have kept the innovation coming, it's
the millions of users who have helped make Apache one of the most pervasive
Open Source communities in the world. So, in celebrating the success of
Apache, we’re celebrating you.

To recognize the breadth of the Apache footprint, we're inviting all Apache
users to submit a video telling everyone why you love Apache.  Maybe you've
created a cool program, Website or device. Maybe you use Apache at work and
it makes your life a bit easier. Or perhaps you just love hacking on Apache
software. We want to hear all about it!


MyApache community video submissions are open for any individual or group
who has used or is using Apache code from any Apache project an in
interesting way.

There is no limit to the number of videos an individual or group can submit,
but each video must cover a different Apache use or implementation.


Each MyApache video submission should be no longer than 1 minute in length.
While we encourage you to get creative and play up the humor, any videos
containing inappropriate, distasteful or illegal content will be
disqualified and prohibited from being posted.

MyApache video content should tell the story of who you are as an Apache
user and how you have used Apache.

Video content should describe:

1. Things you have created or accomplished with Apache
2. Why you love Apache
3. Your thoughts and happy anniversary wishes to the Apache Software
Foundation (singing “Happy Birthday” is encouraged!)

Your video content can answer a combination of these questions:

Q. Why do I like Apache?
Q. Why did I start using Apache?
Q. How long have I used Apache?
Q. How often do I use Apache?
Q. How do I use Apache?
Q. Do I use Apache at work, for hobby or other times?
Q. What Apache project(s) do I currently work with or have worked with in
the past?
Q. What was particularly good about those projects or their communities?
Q. What and where are some of the improvements I’ve seen in Apache since I
began using it?
Q. How does Apache differ from other Open Source communities?
Q. What is my happy anniversary wish to Apache?
Q. Why would I like to thank Apache?


To submit your video, go to www.YouSendIt.com and use the "Try Sending Now"
feature to submit your video (you can also sign up for a free YouSendIt Lite
account). Videos should be sent to apache...@pageonepr.com with "MyApache
Video Submission, [Your Name]" in the subject line.

In the email message, please include the following information. We will tag
your video with your first name and last name initial only.

Full Name:
Email address (for notification):
Open Source affiliations:

If submitting a video as a group, please choose one contact person.


All videos submitted for MyApache will be previewed and posted on
TheApacheWay YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/user/TheApacheWay). Videos may
also appear on the Websites of The Apache Software Foundation and/or

Outstanding videos will be showcased this November at ApacheCon US during
key conference events, and two lucky submittors will be chosen to attend the
ASF's Big Feather Birthday Bash during the conference!

The deadline to submit your video to have it considered for the ApacheCon
showcase is Friday, 2 October, 2009 at midnight Pacific Time.

Now that you have the info, you’re ready to start rolling. Lights, camera,
action, Apache!

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