Hi Simon,

Any non-word character prevents hyphenation. Word characters are
defined in the classes element in the source hyphenation file. For
German these are a-z, ä, å, ö, ü and ß. WORD JOINER is not one of
them, but apparently it is filtered out. I tried ZERO WIDTH JOINER,
but that is rendered as an 'unknown glyph' #.

Thanks for pointing into this direction. Using the ZERO WIDTH JOINER prevents hyphenation. I had to use Arial Unicode MS font in order to not get the "unknown glyph" error.

What is kind of strange although, when using some other font, which also contains this character (e.g. Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman etc. [1]), the character gets displayed in a weird way (have a look at the attached screenshot).

I'd prefer to use Arial because it's a Windows standard font, but if that's not possible I'm happy with the current solution too. Which part of the FOP code is responsible for drawing this character in PDF output?

[1] http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/200d/fontsupport.htm


<<attachment: arial_zero_width_joiner.png>>

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