Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Set the border-collapse property to ‘separate’, or set a top-margin of
half the table border. That may not be so simple if you have fancy
borders on the cells but, in most cases, this is easy to determine.

Ah hah. Setting border-collapse to 'separate' doesn't fix things. With 0.93, you'll get the double border that is flush with the block-container's border. With 0.95/1.0 I get the same effect as before, but with a thicker border. Setting margin-top of the blue block-container doesn't seem to change things. Adjusting the absolute position gets a bit tricky because I'm using two different units for the dimensions and borders.

I've attached the PDFs from 0.93 (with no border-collapse specified / relevant) and 1.0 (with border-collapse set to separate).

- alex

Attachment: test-0.93.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: test-1.0.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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