Not sure if I fully understand your problem, but I suspect it's once
more Adobe's anti-aliasing to be blamed. And this won't show up in print,
BTW. To get rid of this on display, go to Acrobat's Preferences Dialog,
select "Page Display" and enable "Enhance Thin Lines" (AR X) or disable
"Smooth line Art". You may have to disable "Use 2D graphics acceleration",
too. Nothing FOP can do at the moment. I've recently explained on this
list what would need to be done to work around "Adobe's problem".

On 23.01.2011 22:34:43 Rob Sargent wrote:
> Using fop-1.0. I have a two column table.  The first column spans the
> table.  There are five rows in the table.  The cells are colored.
> Between each row there is a thin (1pt at most, perhaps a single pixel)
> line.  I've tried forcing colored borders over the middle ground with
> border-collapse="collapse" (which, if I read the compliance list
> correctly, is now supported).
> How many other ways can I a) be generating this line and b) how to get
> rid of them.
> Looking like I'll miss sending to the printers Monday :(

Jeremias Maerki

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