On 07/25/2011 02:50 PM, Michael Uplawski wrote:
> For simplicity I attach a screenshot of the generated and functional
> bookmarks in the Okular-reader. Compared to the examples that I find
> elsewhhere, I deem this a success already. But does one of you have a
> hint on how I can finally "break" out of the for-each structure or
> rather: in which way can I avoid to handle those nodes, which are
> *siblings of the current node* but follow a node of a different type.

First of all, this question is not specific to FOP, but is a general
XSLT question.  Please follow up on the XSL List, <URL:
http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list/ >.

Second, you appear to have fallen into a common problem of using
for-each when apply-templates would be more appropriate.  Try rewriting
your code that way; it may be that the solution becomes apparent when
you do, and if not, it will be much easier for people on the XSL List to
help you out.

Chris Maden, text nerd  <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
This week, the Transportation Security Administration intercepted and
searched a suspected war criminal and noted supporter of Saddam
Hussein, but permitted Donald Rumsfeld to board his flight anyway.

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