Am 19.09.2011 12:56, schrieb mike 675:
> Using FOP 0.25, the rarr; (Unicode 2192) symbol was rendered OK in PDF.
> After moving to FOP 1.0, the right arrow symbol  is not rendered.
> This is my XSL param:
>   <xsl:param name="">Helvetica</xsl:param>
> Has the way FOP handles extended characters changed since 0.20.5?

There have been a lot of changes between 0.20.5 and 1.0, although
Unicode characters should be displayed properly, provided FOP can
find a font containing a glyph for the character.
Did you get an error or warning message? What does "not rendered"
mean precisely: is there a blank instead of the arrow, another
character, or is it completely omitted? Does your Helvetica font
contain a glyph for the U+2192 (check with a font viewer or font
editor, if in doubt), or did you override the font locally (with
something other than font="Symbol")
and in particular
for further details.

I also notice that you use DocBook, it may be necessary to adjust
some parameters to tell the style sheets you are using FOP 1.0 now.
You'll probably have to ask on the DocBook Apps list for details.


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