please file one ore more bugs at [1], product "Fop", and please ensure the
following are attached to each bug:

   - a "maximally minimal" input FO files that demonstrates problem
   - an output file (PDF, AFP, etc.,) relevant to running your input file
   - console log output
   - version information (fop version, jdk version, etc)

also, you may wish to review the problem reported at [2] to see if it is
relevant to what you are seeing


regarding plans to cache loaded fonts between successive reuses of an
FopFactory instance, there aren't any as far as I'm aware; so if you wish,
you can file a bug on this with severity "enhancement"

as an fyi, one way to reduce font load time is to configure fop to only
load the fonts you need, i.e., don't use <auto-detect/> and limit the fonts
listed in the config file to those you use; this is just a possible
workaround though, to reduce the impact you are encountering

2012/4/24 Αναστάσιος Χαρούλης <>

> Hello,
> We are using Apache FOP 1.0 to create Postscript documents from xml files. 
> After upgrading the Java Virtual Machine from 1.6 update 18 to 1.6 update 19, 
> we noticed important performance degradation. The FOP execution time was 
> increased about 25% - 35% (depends on the number of executions). After 
> investigating this, we concluded that the code that was responsible for this 
> delay was in the method setValue of inner class BeanSetter of class 
> o.a.f.fonts.type1.AFPParser. This method uses reflection to set the value of 
> a bean and our tests showed that the time to execute a reflection call like 
> this was increased in jdk6 u19. We also noticed that for each FOP execution 
> (instantiation of a org.apache.fop.apps.Fop object) the fonts are loaded in 
> memory (field org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo in class AreaTreeHandler) .
> We are wondering if there is a plan for caching the loaded fonts in an object 
> that is reused between successive executions (e.g. in the  
> org.apache.fop.apps.FopFactory). This would mean that the extra cost would 
> occur only in the first execution. Do you think this is a good idea or is 
> there a specific reason for the fonts not to be cached ?
> If the fonts caching is not a good idea, do you think the use of reflection 
> in the BeanSetter class could be avoided?
> Attached you may find a sample application that demonstrates the issue. This 
> application instantiates Fop and executes a conversion 200 times. The class 
> file is foptest.FopTest. Libraries of FOP should exist in the classpath.
> (Execute java -cp ... foptest.FopTest in  the extracted folder)
> Also in the class foptest.ReflectionTest it is demonstrated the mentioned 
> problem with the reflection call.
> Note: There is no (noticed) performance degradation if only one conversion 
> runs.
> Thanks in advance,
> Tassos
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