
I tried to reproduce and found I was getting the following message before 
getting a nullpointer:

"Only simple-page-masters are supported on page-sequences. Using default 
simple-page-master from page-sequence-master "presentation". (See position 

This is because for some reason it didn't like that I was using a page sequence 
master  e.g.

<fo:simple-page-master master-name="test .../>
<fo:page-sequence-master master-name="testsequence">
  <fo:single-page-master-reference master-reference="test" />
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="testsequence" ...>

If I removed the page sequence from my FO to go into the RTF and instead did 
the following it worked fine:

<fo:simple-page-master master-name="test .../>
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="test" ...>

At the moment I am not sure if this is a limitation, but it seems a bit odd 
that it cannot use simple page sequences so it warrants further investigation. 
There is a bug related to the same line in Jira found here:


If you think your issue is not related to the page sequence master, it would 
help if you could post the example FO you are using. 

I will investigate more when I get the chance.

Best Regards,

Robert Meyer

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