As explained in,
if you use the sample servlet then you should access it as in
Are you doing that? Can you provide the URL you use?
On 4/3/14, 10:13 PM, edi4988 wrote:
I have my xslt and xml files in my Tomcat Server, but when I try to
use this files by example in the path
http://localhost:8080/XML/SIICG.xml the application doesn't work. But
if I have the files by example in c:/xml/SIICG.xml the application
works fine.
Do you know any idea what am i doing wrong?
I use the example on this page :
2014-04-03 12:00 GMT-06:00 rsargent [via Apache FOP] <[hidden email]
Move them to the app root?
On 04/03/2014 11:57 AM, edi4988 wrote:
Do you know what can I do if my files have this path
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