Hey Alexios,


thanks a lot for your help. I read some time yesterday and also came to the
conclusion to use the ProcessBuilder; i just wanted to test how much time it
will take to spawn a new process for every transformation and use the Object
In/Out Streams for handling the communication.


But of course you may be right that there is need for a permanent process
(or more than one depending on the hardware) and communicate with it.


I was not aware of the capabilities to create Heap Dumps; i will check it
out, too.


Best Regards and have a nice christmas  time






Alphasoft Software Dienstleistungs- und Datenverarbeitungs GmbH


Prinz-Regent-Str. 68a, 44795 Bochum

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Geschäftsführer: Jens Plasa, Normen Ruhrus, Axel Freimuth


Von: Alexios Giotis [mailto:alex.gio...@gmail.com] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2017 00:10
An: fop-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org
Betreff: Re: Forcefully stop


To avoid waiting until the memory usage gets high, start the JVM with the
following options which will write the heap dump when an out of memory error
occurs. I use them in production systems, there is no overhead.


-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/diskWithFreeSpace/dumps

Note that the heap dump size will be equal to the memory size (12GB in your


On 14 Dec 2017, at 00:53, Alexios Giotis <alex.gio...@gmail.com
<mailto:alex.gio...@gmail.com> > wrote:


Hi Normen,


The Java Thread Model does not support forcefully stopping a thread
executing arbitrary code. Thread.stop() is deprecated as it unlocks all the
monitors it has locked and other threads may view an inconsistent state of
protected objects. Thread.interrupt() does not guarantee when or if the
thread will be interrupted. There are some tricks what work in certain cases
but not in general.


To implement reliably such functionality, you may spawn a new process (e.g.
Process p = processBuilder.start()) and keep a reference to the Process p.
The new process will execute the transformation using Xalan or any other
code. When needed, you may kill it (p.destroy()).


But this is not enough. You will need to choose a way for interprocess
communication (sockets ? files ? or better some library) and implement it. 


It is much easier and better to find what is causing the memory leak. There
are plenty of tools in Java to help with this task. Xalan and FOP work quite
well and I am not aware of any memory leak. I suggest to let the application
run for some time and when the memory usage is getting high, connect to it
using Java Mission Control or jVisualVM or even JConsole or jmap to take a
heap dump. Then analyze the heap dump to find out where memory is retained.
If the heap dump is several GBs, I suggest to use Eclipse MAT which works
with huge heap dumps. 




Alexios Giotis







On 13 Dec 2017, at 14:52, Normen Ruhrus <n.ruh...@alphasoft.biz
<mailto:n.ruh...@alphasoft.biz> > wrote:


Hey there,


using FOP for quite some time now, thanks everyone for all the fine


Iam running FOP 2.0 embedded into a Servlet on Tomcat 8.0.x with Java8 on a
Windows Machine (server 2012 R2).

Usually we have no problems but from time to time during the transformation
org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform() process an Out of
Memory Error occurs.


When trying to recreate the problem with the same XML and same XSL we have
no problems; the process takes a very short time (<100ms) and uses not much
memory (<50MB).

The application is configured so it can cosume up to 12GB(!) of RAM so it
looks like some indefinite looping is going on, but unfortunately i have no
further  logs at this time to help me with the investigation.


This is why i wanted to put the transformation into a seperate Thread and
supervise it and kill it off if a certain timeout is reached, however iam
not able to. 

So the question is can you think of any way to stop this processing? I have
implemented the multithreading here with FutureTasks but can switch to just
Threads easily, too. It would be better to kill off the Thread before it
throws an Out of Memory error  and with this affecting the whole Servlet so
that subsequent requests cannot be processed anymore.


Naturally it would be best to find the source of the problem, of course, but
that can take me some time and i would like to have a fallback solution
instead with forcefully stopping the Transformation.

Hope someone is able to help me out with this; thanks in advance and best





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