Hello everyone,


iam rendering with Fop2.2 (Windows) using MIME_FOP_PRINT through the
PageableRenderer to a printer using SimpleDoc.


So now i need the possibility to backup a print job, that has already been
rendered, somehow, but iam struggling to find a practical way of doing this.

I looked into possibilities to serialize the PageableRenderer object and
SimpleDoc object to reload it at a later time and send it to a printer once
more, but i find no practical way of doing this.


I would need the backup to be as "primitive" as possible, since this data
would need to be transported via TCP/IP Sockets or
ObjectDataInput/Outputstreams, however it should not be neccassary render it
all again.


I know that this is not a 100% FOP issue but i would greatly appreciate any
help or ideas here.



Thanks and best regards




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