Dear Doctor,

Thank you so much for you advise. as there are not real italic font in our 
company. we changed the code same as pdf, then let the ps file can support 
italic. but not found a idea in tiff. So kindly May we consult doctor if there 
is any good idea for this.

Thanks a lot.

best regards doctor.

From: "Simon Steiner"<;
Date: Wed, Nov 23, 2022 17:38 PM
To: "fop-users"<;;
Subject: RE: xmlgraphics-fop italic function for image/tiff file



FOP-2633 is only for PDF, for non PDF can you use a real italic font?




From: 孤王 <; 
Sent: 23 November 2022 01:41
To: fop-users <;
Subject: xmlgraphics-fop italic function for image/tiff file


Dear FOP docters,

&nbsp; I am a student of FOP. Kindly I see the development ID FOP-2633 have 
developed the italic function of fonts for PDF files. Kindly May I ask some 
advise of tiff files generate italic font.


Million Thanks FOP docters.

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