If you want to highlight words, you need to tell PSPad which words has to be
highlighted. Have you filled list of keywords in user highlighter?

I suggest you read chapter in help about user highlighter files.

Yes, the entries are in, not sure if the problem is that these start with @.
I now read the chapter in help about user highlighter files and the two points
mentioned above (use *.ext in user highlighter and how to set the user
highlighter to a slot in highlighter options) would have been clear if I did so

I was confused by 

TexInfo support in user highlighter 

reading it like "it works now" but this was only about the new entry "comment
style @c, @ignore", correct?

I've checked this and set (just out of interest to see how it works, if it does
at all) the ftTex option. Result on save (I've opened the fdl.texi beforehand): 
PSPad 5.0.0 (191) hangs. Killed it and restarted, same result: hangs (can't
change the setting via GUI). Removed the setting "CodeExplorer=ftTex" from
Texinfo.INI and tried to start PSPad - same issue.
Where is the setting for `@c, @ignor` stored?

PSPad freeware editor

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