This message is from the T13 list server.

>On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 17:59:06 -0700, Pat LaVarre wrote:
>This message is from the T13 list server.
>But some of us think in the lab we see the byte counts for UDma
>Out gets off by more and more as the UDma burst rate increases.

Pat, I really don't want to get started on this again but just so
Mark doesn't get confused...

For any given SCSI CDB passed to an ATAPI device both the host
and the device know the exact or maximum number of bytes that
will be transferred assuming there is no error.

For "write" commands the number is exact... the host must be
programmed in PIO mode or DMA mode to transfer exactly that
number of bytes to the device.  There is nothing vague about
this, no random side effects, no lost data bytes, no extra data
bytes (except maybe a pad byte as the last byte of the data

For "read" commands, the story is a little more complex only
because there are some "read" commands that can transfer a
variable amount of data.  These are commands like Request Sense
and Inquiry maybe even Mode Sense.  Just use PIO for these
commands.  But here even in PIO mode the host needs to be
prepared to accept the maximum number of bytes the command can
transfer.  And again this maximun number is based on the CDB
data, for example, it could be the Allocation Length value in the
Request Sense CDB.  Except for a few tape devices that really
have variable block sizes, ALL commands that transfer data from
the device's media have an exact block size that is know to both
host and device BEFORE the command is executed... for any given
command that transfers data from a device's media the host will
receive exactly that number of bytes (except maybe a pad byte as
the last byte of the data transfer)...  In both PIO mode and DMA
mode the host must be prepared to receive this amount of data
otherwise you have a "hung device" problem that requries a reset
to fix.

Pat, I still don't understand where/what the problem(s) is(are)
with ATAPI DMA operations.  Yes, in any given Ultra DMA data
burst the receiver of the data might receive a few extra bytes of
data at the end of the burst but that is valid data... it is not
extra data, it is not pad data, it is not a side effect... this
data is just part of the total data transfer for the entire
command.  At the end of the last Ultra DMA data burst for the
command there is no extra data, other than maybe a pad byte.
This is because the sender of the data (host or device) knows how
much data the current command transfers and the receiver of the
data is expecting that amount of data (or in the case of commands
like Request Sense, no more than some maximum amount of data).

Where's the beef? (Sorry I just couldn't help myself.)

*** Hale Landis *** ***

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