This message is from the T13 list server.

<hatfield>  See my responses below

Thank You !!!
Jim Hatfield
Seagate Technology LLC
   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   s-mail:  389 Disc Drive;  Longmont, CO 80503 USA
   voice:  720-684-2120
   fax....:  720-684-2711

             "Wolford, Jeff"                                               
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             com>                                                       To 
             Sent by:                  "ATA T13 Reflector" <> 
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          cc 
             No Phone Info                                         Subject 
             Available                 [t13] Write uncorrectable - flagged 
                                       mode (FR=Axh)                       
             06/09/2006 02:14                                              

When using the write uncorrectable command with the "flagged uncorrectable"
(FR=Axh) mode,

1) Is the drive allowed to go to the media ? (I can not find any text that
says you shall or you shall not for "flagged uncorrectable".... Pseudo mode
is another thing)
<hatfield> yes. it is vendor-specific

2) If a flagged uncorrectable sector status is suppose to be returned
immediately, where is that stated ?
<hatfield> It is vendor-specific.

3) It is my understanding that the intention of the "flagged uncorrectable"
mode was for the drive to not access the media and return the status ASAP
without error correction.  If that is true, then this would require the
"flagged uncorrectable" sector list to be maintained in the drives memory.
<hatfield> It is vendor-specific.

Where is the maximum number of of "flagged uncorrectable" sectors defined
or is it just assumed you can create them until the drive returned a 51/04h
But is this number expected to be 1, 100, 1000 ?
<hatfield> It is vendor-specific.



Jeff Wolford                       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Master Architect
Storage Interface and Tools - Business PC Group
    Voice: (281) 514-9465,     Pager: (800) 973-5739
Hewlett-Packard Corporation

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