On 5/20/07, Kushal Hada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Disclaimer: I am not a database student. The following may not make any
> sense.
> Just for the record ...
> HLCIT is High Level Commission for Information Technology (?) Please hit
> reply if this is incorrect.
> Prasanna Gautam said the following on 5/19/2007 3:02 PM:
> We all know that often governments are the biggest consumers esp in
> softwares.
> I agree. They may not be THE biggest but they are always one of the
> biggest.

Yeah, they are not always the biggest... but they are the ones who can
impact at this scale.

As we all know from the recent posts here that HLCIT also wants to go
> OpenSource with it's database. Now we need to leverage this for FOSS
> community.
> How? By talking with the Members of the Legislative? Signing open letters?
> This needs more discussion.

No, if HLCIT wants it, we'll give them the solutions or work as
mediators.... between OSS db  providers.

We all know oracle is popular but we also know that Open Source has caught
> up. The thing that they want is support. If we can get the HLCIT converted
> to Open Source, we can show how much taxpayer's money is being wasted(?)
> because unless people really need/use a feature, they shouldn't be paying
> for it.
> Let us say that the tax-payer's money is being 'saved' with Open Source
> solutions. But they would still need commercial support, wouldn't they? or
> can we have a team of volunteers for technical support too?

let's not forget that  there are so many other corporations and governments
that use open source and almost all the time, the local community doesn't
bring up enough tech support. The companies do it. It's very likely that if
OSS companies see the scale of the implementation, they'll give support and
maybe in time involve foss members... It can be a great opportunity....
One good thing abt OSS development is that you can talk codes with the core

Let's do a research essentially... (ok cut to the chase) because there's
> more money with government works for Foss Nepal and getting a system of that
> scale to work on Open Source software will mean that it can be a great
> achievement for FOSS community towards making us more enterprise friendly in
> due time and especially when the bigger names (IBM?) come to Nepal.
> Maybe Shankar Dai or Hempal Dai can talk with the HLCIT officers? But let
> us have a crude outline of what we want to achieve.
> The thing is, let's focus on people who really want to go open source get
> the maximum benefit out of it. Let's do some research into it...  let's find
> out for sure the weaknesses and strengths of Open Source solutions,
> Umm... original research? There is already a lot of research on Open
> Source. Let us just do some 'secondary' research from existing sources. That
> should be enough. maybe a little walk to EN Wikipedia could be enough for
> us.

Ok, lemme rephrase it! let's compile researches... wikipedia isn't enough
for sure.. unless u go through the cited sources.

what we can get from the enterprise versions and how it can be worked on...
> It surely sounds daunting... but foss nepal will get lost in the sea of
> bidders (from Oracle Pros, ol' enemy Microsoft and others) unless there's
> money in it.
> and they certainly know the rules of the game called Finance.

They have employees, not mad hackers... and the latter can do some magic
when combined with the rules of capitalism.

Linus is quoted as saying that [paraphrased] If he and Bill Gates met there
> would be nothing to talk about because Linus does not know about business
> and Gates does not know about computers ... The point here is that bidding
> in a World wide tender with big giants is very difficult. maybe something
> can be done about it? Without resorting to protectionism if possible?
> We have worked on databases time and again... it's time to get things that
> you all have reviewed and perhaps review yourself so that we really can have
> a vision in long run in this sector as well...
> Best wishes ... (I am really not into the technical side of db)
> I'll be posting some of the interesting things ... err... as some people
> call... spammin? here and I believe u guys can do it as well so that we can
> really show what can be done...
> This is not spamming.
> Let's stop using Bulldozers(oracle) for making sandcastles.....
> I did not understand this one. Do you mean that Oracle's solutions do not
> scale as well as it should to small-scale databases?

I just mean... why waste money on  big things and features that u wont use.

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