On 5/6/15, Joel Bruick <j...@joelface.com> wrote:
> The purpose of the graphcss branch is to give skin authors greater
> flexibility in styling the timeline graph without requiring Fossil
> developers to add support for each specific variation that skin authors
> might want (e.g. square vs. circle nodes).
> Now, this doesn't mean that skin authors will have total control over
> how the graph looks. The new graph-drawing code still contains a number
> of assumptions, mainly in regards to how elements are positioned
> relative to one another. However, this branch does offer two key
> improvements:
> 1. One or more classes are attached to each graph element for easy
> styling with standard CSS.
> 2. The dimensions of each type of graph element are calculated in the
> browser, rather than being hardcoded based on an unalterable default
> style. The elements can then be positioned accordingly.
> For a demo of a custom graph style made possible by this new code, see
> <http://www.joelface.com/graphcss>

The very clear benefit of the graphcss branch is that it provides a
great deal of flexibility to enable highly-skilled CSS hackers to
generate new looks for the timeline.  Everything from the size and
shape of nodes to the shape of arrowheads is configurable using CSS.
Very powerful.

The very clear disadvantage is that now one *must be* a highly-skilled
CSS hacker in order to change anything.  The simple check-boxes for
selecting square versus circle nodes and for turning arrowheads on and
off no longer work.  Instead, to switch from the square to circle
nodes, one must modify dozens of lines of CSS, taking extreme care not
to be off by one pixel on any of dozens of critical dimensions.

I'm not sure that exchanging ease-of-use for flexible-and-powerful is
necessarily a good tradeoff.

That said, the graphcss branch contains some ancillary improvements
("use strict" and putting all of the graph-rendering javascript in a
closure to name but two) that definitely would be welcomed on trunk.

Is there any way to further refine this branch so that it retains the
easy-to-use checkboxes for square-vs-circle nodes and to turn
arrowheads on and off while still providing an escape mechanism for
full customization by expert CSS hackers?
D. Richard Hipp
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