I'm migrating  a project into Fossil.  Previously, for this project, I used VSS 
for source-control, and CVSTrac for bug tracking.  The source control part 
seems easy enough so far, and I'm well along on the bug tracker and related.  
Fossil makes for a nice combination of SQLite, CVSTrac, and source control.

In CVSTrac, I can embed the output of a report into a wiki page using markup 
like {report:1}.  Does Fosil offer a similar capability?

Is there a listing of the available TH1 variables and user session parameters?  
Perhaps a TH1 command to dump the vars/params?

Last, the wiki markup docs indicate most HTML just works, and goes on to say 
<div> is a supported tag.  But for the project's home page, I try to include 
markup like <div class="myNonDefaultExternalClass">foo</div>, the surrounding 
DIV tag disappears on preview/save.  What am I missing?

Thanks for a great product.


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