I just finished integrating tiny mce.
To start with the downside -;( 'You need to make tinyMce part of the

for those interested I can send you the fossil repository 600K 7zip
compressed or follow the receipe

mkdir tiny
mkdir tiny/javascript
fossil new tinymce.fsl
fossil ui tinymce.fsl {configure the project)
download tinymce
unzip in tiny/javascript
cd tiny
fossil open ../tinymce/fsl
fossil add javascript
fossil commit -m "added timymce to the project"
fossil ui
select admin/headers add after the </link>
   <script type="text/javascript"

and save
select admin/footer add above the first line

 <script type='text/javascript'>
  var m = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')
  var l = m.length
  var n
  for(var i=0 ;i < l;i++){
    n = m[i].name
    if( 'header' != n && 'footer' != n && 'css' != n){
        tinyMCE.init({ mode : 'exact' , elements : n, theme: 'advanced'
        ,width : '90%' } );

and save and DONE.
If you clone the repository then the clone repository has the same

Does it make sense to add this to the wiki?

Have fun,


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