> On the web interface, under Setup/Users, which users have authority to
> clone?  If you want to clone without given a userid and password, then
> "nobody" needs clone privilege.  Otherwise, give a userid and password
> on the URL when cloning:

Ok, I've just given 'nobody' the right to clone; it seems now that the
error before disappear. But I continue to see  project-id: (null)

I'm sorry for annoying you about this, but once again: what do I miss ?

(following the dump...)

HTTP SEND: (http-trace-1.txt)
POST http://dev.lulli.net/code/repo/repo.cgi/xfer HTTP/1.0
Host: dev.lulli.net
User-Agent: Fossil/[f57990b65a]
Content-Type: application/x-fossil-debug
Content-Length: 691

login paolo 89e764e4b565c4c3e2761075180a1ee8f4eec2f7
reqconfig css
reqconfig header
reqconfig footer
reqconfig logo-mimetype
reqconfig logo-image
reqconfig project-name
reqconfig project-description
reqconfig index-page
reqconfig timeline-block-markup
reqconfig timeline-max-comment
reqconfig ticket-table
reqconfig ticket-common
reqconfig ticket-newpage
reqconfig ticket-viewpage
reqconfig ticket-editpage
reqconfig ticket-report-template
reqconfig ticket-key-template
reqconfig ticket-title-expr
reqconfig ticket-closed-expr
reqconfig @reportfmt
reqconfig @user
reqconfig @concealed
reqconfig @shun
# D458C547360B50EDDA34FF21BF86834CF69C9AA2
Received:           0          0          0          0
Total network traffic: 870 bytes sent, 473 bytes received
Rebuilding repository meta-data...
0 (0%)...
project-id: (null)
server-id:  e13cca47836f69fe104f2e2562563c6a31dfd44e
admin-user: paolo (password is "804622")
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