Op Za, 28 november, 2009 04:50, schreef Stephan Beal:
> On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Rene de Zwart <renew...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> If you do this it is obviously not fossil anymore! Its a nice way to
>> build
>> a small application with a database and built in scm and wiki. with zero
>> administration on windows and linux
> Almost two years ago (651 days, says the fossil repo) i actually started
> on
> an app framework for C based around fossil's model - a CGI app which uses
> some built-in database:
> http://fossil.wanderinghorse.net/repos/cgi3/
> The idea was that client apps could use this lib build full-fledged apps,
> with this lib handling the CGI, db, and output buffering parts (necessary
> for separating headers/body during page generation).
> i never got very far with it (once i realized how much work it was gonna
> be
> to handle the CGI input properly), but the basics are there.
> The idea still comes back to haunt me every now and then, though, and i
> haven't ruled out making it halfway usable. The fact is, though, that i
> don't aspire to write my apps as CGI apps in C. There are higher-level
> languages for that type of work. But it's still a cool idea, for the
> idea's
> sake.
Your dream came true( and better) you have fossil.
Just as an exercise I made an ajax implementation and let  it be
served from fossil. You have a choice put the javascript in a webpage e.g.
in the fossil executable or serve it from the fossil repository.

In either case you can distribute your application via the web e.g. have
your latest fossil executable available for download and clone the repo.
Source code included. Whoa freedom to the max!
Rene de Zwart

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