
        I have a repository that does this:

project-name: Firing Box
repository:   /Users/jschimpf/Public/FOSSIL/FiringBox.fossil
local-root:   /Users/jschimpf/Public/Firingbox/
project-code: f6963c318732b1af73668b2576c84082c237df1c
server-code:  d8e74be5e75a2b09a78925c0d00a2fd502807b4c
checkout:     f5d728ccd1e177f42176b0368b8b66f234335fc4 2009-02-03 15:57:15 UTC
parent:       5a7c975bbb245e92455de113f53824a5e59931d2 
fossil(33920) malloc: *** error for object 0x100093a48: pointer being freed was 
not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap
530 Firingbox> 

When I run fossil open or status on it.  I have done a rebuild and reconstruct 
on the repository.  I am running:

This is fossil version [2255e4e3ba] 2009-12-20 02:58:18 UTC

Any suggestions ?  I think it has brought all files back and I could just 
delete _FOSSIL_ and generate a new repository but I want to see if you could 
suggest a fix first.

Oh yes, I don't have anything important in here so you can have the repository 
if you want.

        --jim schimpf

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