I created a new branch on as 0.2.0. I then however, realized I goofed. I 
wanted the branch to be 0.2. I would later create a tag for the 0.2.0 
release of the 0.2 branch (expecting 0.2.1, 0.2.3, etc... which would 
all be tags in the 0.2 branch).

So I edited it via the web UI. This, however, changed the properties but 
did not change the branch display:


You can see 0.2.0 listed (which I just closed this evening).

Now, clicking on it, you do not see any checkins tagged with 0.2.0.

http://fossil.josl.org/timeline?t=0.2.0  (which you could get to also by 
clicking on the 0.2.0 branch link).

I assume this is because I change 0.2.0 to be 0.2. So, if you manually 
change the URL to read:


Then you will see 0.2 checkins (well, checkin). Or, you can browse the 
timeline and find the checkin as well:


I looked in source code and was unable to solve this problem. Any thoughts?


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