On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Rene de Zwart <renew...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Its is a bit odd to run 2 http servers (well maybe not that odd)

Fossil's running on my remote box as a CGI. On my local box apache serves 5
or 6 sites and fossil (on 8080) runs in ui mode quite often.

>   use a link or a path to get de directory into the pages that apache
> will serve. you could do [http://localhost/fossil/demo/my.php|php
> demo].

That's what i do, but when i then upload to my remote repo that path no
longer works, and i don't want to update the wiki on every commit. Currently
i hard-code the link to the public site, and i don't see any way around
that. Maybe i could do it in TH, but that sounds like more hassle than it's
worth (i'm the only person affected by this problem).

> It is the basic theme you could improve with virtual hosts so that your
> development  system uses the same naming (of course you have to edit your
> local hostfile )

The development team == me, so nobody's hurting from this. Locally i
have/use vhosts, but i want to avoid setting up another subdomain on my
provider just for this mini-project.

Thanks for the attempt, though :).

----- stephan beal
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