On 16 June 2010 05:41, ghiù <pistacc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Long story short, I downloaded the latest build for MacOSX and put it in
> /usr/local/bin/. I run without a problem "fossil new test" and it created a
> new archive.
> I then tried "fossil ui" and I got a "not within an open checkout". Now,
> every command I try to execute (status, commit, add...), from whatever
> position within the filesystem (root, my home, the dir with the archive, a
> dir upper or a dir under it etc) gives me this error. I also tried to remove
> the .fossil file it creates in home, all without a result.

I'm not seeing a "fossil open" in that sequence up above.

The workflow for a new repo is:

fossil new (or clone if you're copying another repo)
fossil open
fossil do-everything-else

You'll find full instructions at
http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/tip/www/quickstart.wiki.  Sadly the
instructions are in the wrong order and mistakenly put the configuration
stuff ahead of the opening of the repository, so I can see where the
confusion comes in.  If I had check-in privileges I'd fix that myself, but
sadly I don't.

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