On 25 June 2010 12:15, Sergey Sfeli <sergey.sf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ruslan Popov wrote:
>> I've tried to use Fossil on russian version of Windows 7. I made commit with
>> russian text in comment, when I run the UI and look at timeline, I saw that
>> russian text looks like squares.
> Why don't just use text editor that supports UTF-8 and write your
> comments in UTF-8 instead of cp1251? You can set/change default text
> editor with "fossil set editor anything-else-than-notepad" (I am using
> Notepad2, for example).
> Question to Richard Hipp: can you please add any UTF-8 character(s) to the
> following text to help text editors to auto-detect the right encoding?
> # Enter comments on this check-in.  Lines beginning with # are ignored.
> # The check-in comment follows wiki formatting rules.

Perhaps fossil should have a "system encoding" which it would get from
the environment (locales, windows codepage) and mark all commit
messages with it.

This should mark the commits with the correct encoding on most
unix-like systems. On windows there is a "DOS codepage" and a "Windows
codepage" so there is no completely reliable way of determining the
encoding used on the system although the "Windows codepage" would be
what most windowed programs use. Still there should be a possibility
to set the encoding explicitly.

It is somewhat open question what to do when displaying timeline of a
repository with commits in multiple encodings, though.


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