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Heh, ironically "fossil serve" behaves exactly like the app I wanted to
design in that it can serve up an entire directory of repositories. I
thought that behavior was only limited to the CGI.

So, no need for my app cleverly named DigSite (where fossils are found.)
That was the only thing clever about it. :P

Ah, well, learned more than I ever wanted to about CGI.

On 09/05/2010 08:51 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 9:34 PM, Nolan Darilek <no...@thewordnerd.info>wrote:
> Please pardon the newbie questions, and I realize that it isn't strictly
> Fossil-related, but I hope that can be forgiven as I'm trying to
> contribute to the ecosystem.
> I'm trying to create a server front-end that proxies requests to any
> number of repositories, running the CGI based on URL parameters.
> Unfortunately, the web servers I want to use don't directly support
> CGIs, so I'm trying this as a suitable alternative to avoid running a
> whole bunch of "fossil server"s.
> The challenge, though, is that I didn't really know much about CGIs
> until today. I'm trying to write a somewhat generalized CGI interface
> for Node.js that accepts a request and proxies that to a CGI script,
> with Fossil being my testbed.
>> Have you considered using the "fossil http" command instead of using CGI.
>> The "fossil http" command takes a single ordinary HTTP request on standard
>> input and issues a suitable reply on standard output.  No CGI to mess with.
>> If for some reason that won't work for you, you might at least want to look
>> at the implementation of the "fossil http" command (especially the
>> cgi_handle_http_request() function) since the way "fossil http" works is to
>> convert the HTTP request into CGI then call the CGI handler.  You don't need
>> a fully general CGI handler to run Fossil - just a very limited subset.  Let
>> the implementation of cgi_handle_http_request() be your guide.
> Currently I have GETs mostly working (though I don't correctly handle
> queries yet) and POSTs partially working. I'm having a particularly
> tough time with this because there are lots of lists of environment
> variables, I'm not sure what needs to be set to have a meaningful CGI
> interaction, and the NCSA page most tutorials from circa 2003 like to
> link to is no longer present. :) I only just now realized that I should
> be passing CONTENT_TYPE, which I didn't find documented anywhere. And
> now I actually seem to get bytes back from the CGI, albeit not in a
> format that is meaningful to Fossil on the receiving end.
> So my first question, is there any documentation on the lower-level
> aspects of the CGI interface? What commands are exchanged, what
> format/encoding they take, etc.?
> Also, what format/encoding is the data exchanged between Fossil and the
> CGI expected to use? Binary, base64 or something else?
> Finally, I'm noticing that while my framework is somewhat respecting my
> content-type setting on the data I pass to the CGI, it is appending
> "charset=utf-8". Will this negatively impact Fossil?
> Not sure if this will help, but here are some sample logs of Fossil
> attempting to pass through my proxy.
> POST from Fossil headers: { host: 'localhost:3000'
> , 'user-agent': 'Fossil/[8474ca6747]'
> , 'content-type': 'application/x-fossil'
> , 'content-length': '59'
> }
> Sending from CGI through proxy: Body:
> '\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000x\ufffd\u0003\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0001'
> with headers { Status: '200 OK'
> , 'Cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store'
> , 'Content-Type': 'application/x-fossil; charset=utf-8'
> , 'Content-Length': '12'
> }
> And from Fossil I get:
> 1fossil: unknown command:
> Thanks.
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