On 09/09/2010 10:03 AM, Richard Hipp wrote:
> I see.  Right - "fossil sync" does not have any idea how to do LDAP
> authentication.

AFAICT, mod_ldap lets Apache use an LDAP directory for authentication 
information instead of a .htpasswd file. So if I'm reading right, fossil 
sync wouldn't need to know how to do LDAP authentication, the client 
would need to do HTTP Basic Auth. And the fossil server would need to 
trust or be configurable to trust the REMOTE_USER env variable for sync 
as well as www interface. From memory and packet sniffing, it looks like 
fossil currently uses its own authentication protocol when syncing.

You can test this with basic Apache .htaccess/.htpasswd access 
controls--no LDAP needed.

Joshua Paine
LetterBlock: Web applications built with joy
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