On Sep 14, 2010, at 10:06:16 PDT, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Yusuf X <ys1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I have a need to build a repository once it's checked in. A handy
> feature would be to trigger a script (i.e., "ant build_repo1.xml")
> once code is pushed to the server for a particular repository. It
> should not be a large change; if it's not in, shall I add it?
> Additional information about the Fossil sync protocol is here:
>      http://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/doc/tip/www/sync.wiki
> You can get a better idea of how sync works by reading the  
> "Overview" section.  With that in mind:
> How does the repository know when "code" has been pushed, versus  
> (say) wiki modifications or new tickets or other artifacts?
> What if two or more code changes are pushed at once?
> When a "push" occurs, the client makes multiple round-trip requests  
> to the server, pushing a number of artifacts on each push.  Just to  
> keep the size of HTTP manageable, the client will split a "push" up  
> into multiple round-trips if there are multiple files that have  
> changed and the change sets (which are a binary xdelta) exceeds a  
> size threshold. Does the callback get invoked on each partial  
> update?  Or does it wait until the complete update is received?  How  
> does the server know when the update is complete?

What about hooking into the process_one_web_page function?  Something  
like this:

   * remember timeline.rss state
   * previous process one web page functionality
   * If current timeline.rss state differs from
     remembered timeline.css state and a local notify command
     is set, call it with the full pathname to the repository

That should be enough to let tools do whatever they need (they can  
check the timeline.css feed) without burdening fossil with a whole  
bunch of new logic.
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