Christian Busch <busch.christ...@...> writes:

> Will fossil have a kind of api or cmd line support for the ticket system 
> in some future?
> The inverse problem will appear as well. Having all this tickets in 
> fossil, I'd like to extract the information in some report format.


On branch wolfgangTicket with checkin 9d3b9d653a you'll find a first version,
supporting show/add/set commands for tickets. The built in help text is shown

I think it should fulfill most requirements, even linking an external gui to
the fossil application

E:\test>fossil help ticket
Usage: fossil.exe ticket SUBCOMMAND ...

Run various subcommands to control tickets

    fossil.exe ticket show REPORTNR ?TICKETFILTER? ?-l|--limit LIMITCHAR?

        Run the the ticket report, identified by the report number
        used in the gui. The data is written as flat file on stdout,
        using "," as separator. The seperator "," can be changed using
        the -l or --limit option.
        If TICKETFILTER is given on the commandline, the query is
        limited with a new WHERE-condition.
          example:  Report lists a column # with the uuid
                    TICKETFILTER= [#]='uuuuuuuuu'

    fossil.exe ticket set FIELD VALUE ?FIELD VALUE ... ? TICKETUUID

        change ticket identified by TICKETUUID and set the value of
        field FIELD to VALUE. Valid field descriptions are:
           status, type, severity, priority, resolution,
           foundin, private_contact, resolution, title or comment
        Field names given above are the ones, defined in a standard
        fossil environment. If you have added, deleted columns, you
        change the all your configured columns.
        You can use more than one field/value pair on the commandline.

    fossil.exe ticket add FIELD VALUE ?FIELD VALUE ... ?

        like set, but create a new ticket with the given values.

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