On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 12:39:15PM +0200, Emil Totev wrote:
> Hello
> This is fossil version [b48f78964e] 2010-09-18 15:51:43 UTC
> on Windows XP SP3
> When I create a patch file using
> fossil diff  > patch.txt
> the resulting file cannot be used for patching. It seems there is an
> extra 0D line separator (0d 0d 0a) for the actual source lines. (---,
> +++, @@ lines are OK).
> The source files have normal Windows line endings, 0d 0a.
I saw the same annoyance in fossil built for cygwin.
I use "fossil diff | tr -d '\r'" to overcome that.
You may also want to set a gdiff-tool, and use 'fossil gdiff', if you have
GNU diffutils available for example. I use that to get diffs in unified format.

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