On 10/19/2010 10:00 AM, Richard Hipp wrote:
> The main complication is getting the permissions to be transmitted
> reliably through a windows checkout.  (Why is it always windows that
> gives trouble?)

Going between *nix and windows systems, it seems every file windows 
touches gets an execute bit set. SVN handles this by having an 
svn:executable flag you can set on files. When checked out on a system 
with *nix-like permissions, the file gets the execute bit flipped, 
otherwise not.

I like fossil keeping track of my actual permissions, but maybe add a 
`fossil chmod [+-]x filename` for windows only? On windows, the execute 
bit would be off on new files, untouched on modified files unless 
they've been fossil chmod'ed.

Joshua Paine
LetterBlock: Web applications built with joy
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