On Tue, 2 Nov 2010 07:35:06 -0400, Richard Hipp  wrote: 

On Tue, Nov
2, 2010 at 4:28 AM, Rene  wrote:

I have some one who wants to clone my
repo. But does that make sense? Clone alone allows you to just clone the
repo. But If I'm a "remote" developer and want to develop I need clone
rights. Because before I can "develop" I need to clone. 

If one just
want source code then the Time line, Zip Archive is your option. 

Do I
err some where?  
Some people may want to maintain a private branch of
your code, using a procedure similar to the one described at
http://www.sqlite.org/privatebranch.html [2]   

But how do you give
this permission to clone to every one. My solution was to add clone to
the user nobody. 

I can not oversee if this is to broad or which other
solution i should choose 


[2] http://www.sqlite.org/privatebranch.html
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