>I also have a brand new copy of VS2010 on my brand new win7 box.  Does anybody 
>have any suggestions on how we might get VS2010 to >compile Fossil?  Recognize 
>that (as with most of the software I write) the "source code" is not really C 
>code, but rather text that looks a lot >like C but which gets additional 
>processing prior to being input to the C compiler.  In the case of Fossil, the 
>"C-source-modules" are first >processed by a program (source code included) 
>called "mkindex", then another program called "translate", then a third 
>program called >"makeheaders".  Then there is an AWK script that runs to 
>generate some additional header information.  Finally, the output of all of 
>the above >is ready to go into the C compiler.  But VS2010 seems to be of the 
>opinion that all "source code" should be plain and simple C code (or C# or 
>>whatever) and not require any preprocessing by other utilities.  Somebody 
>correct me if I'm wrong.  Is there any (reasonable) way to get >VS2010 to 
>compile preprocessor programs then run them over source text in order to 
>generate the C code for input to the compiler?  It isn't >like that is a novel 
>technique or anything - programmers have been doing that sort of thing for a 
>least 4 decades now (that I know of) and >probably much longer.  Would anybody 
>care to contribute a VS2010 "project" or "solution"  that will compile Fossil? 
> Your input would be >greatly appreciated.
I can try to contribute a VS2010 solution. But I need some information 
regarding the tool. As I am not firm in reading/understanding makefiles, can 
you explain me, in which order I have to call the mkindex, translate and 
makeheader programs. As I understand, on every *.c file should be applied the 
three programs? Also I would like to know which version of zlib should be 
linked (I have found version 1.2.5 in the net).
I would create a directory called vs2010, in which the solution file will be 
placed (at the same dir level as the src directory), which subdirectories for 
the project files. Also I will include the zlib library and include file there, 
if this is ok.
Regarding the awk script, I will search for a windows version available, which 
I will also place in the vs2010 directory, so everything should be in place. 
The test project which uses tcl I won't create, as I have no 
relation/experience which tcl.

Best regards

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