On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Stephen De Gabrielle
<stephen.degabrie...@acm.org> wrote:
> I'm sorry, I'm not at all familiar with TH1.

It is a varient of TCL that Fossile uses for scripting of user defined
logic for tickets. (It also works in the header and footer html.)

> What exactly did you put in the form template for the new ticket screen?
> I'm prety sure this doesn't create a date input field
>  <th1> set d [ string range [ date ] 0 10 ]</th1>
> But I don't see how it can be included in the submitted ticket?

In the "New Ticket" html, I added a TH1 statment to save the date as
the opened date of the ticket:

  if {[info exists submit]} {
     set status New
     set opened [ string range [ date ] 0 10 ]

(I also changed the initial status to "New".)

In this case, "date" is a Fossil specific function that returns the
current date and time formated as yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.
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