On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Chad Perrin <c...@apotheon.net> wrote:

> I'm new to this list.  Be gentle.
> I've been rummaging through the list archives, and sifting through the
> Web documentation, but I am still not clear on the status of using SSH to
> encrypt connections for push/pull and other operations using Fossil.  Is
> it stable?  Does it require special configuration?  Is there anything
> about it in the Web docs or in any documentation that comes with it?  Is
> it not discussed outside of the mailing list?
> Any help in answering these (and related) questions would be appreciated.

I worked on that a lot, and finally managed to get it to run on my systems.
But it seems like every ssh implementation is a little different, and those
differences are causing problems for some users.

My current approach is to run ssh to a shell on the remote side and then
issue shell command over the wire that invoke Fossil multiple times to act
as a server for the client-side protocol.  It's all a bit dodgy.

A prior approach was to run ssh to a single instance of the Fossil server
with the TCP/IP tunnelling and then just do the usual TCP/IP client/server
exchange over the tunnel.  That seemed to work more reliably and across a
wider variety of systems.  The difficulty was in choosing an unused TCP port
on the remote end.  There was also a security concern that another process
on the same system might try to sneak information through on that same TCP

I looked at the scp source code.  They seem to use the first method above,
the current method, of sending multiple commands a cross an ordinary ssh
connection to a shell.  But I might have been misunderstanding the code - it
was hard to follow.

If any reader has suggestions on a better way to do SSH access for Fossil,
please speak up.

> --
> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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