On 21 March 2011 22:21, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Michael Richter <ttmrich...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> OK, perhaps I'm being as thick as a whale omlette here, but I cannot get
>> this to work at all.
>> First attempt: "relay-to" was set to www.fossil-scm.org:80, "listen" was
>> set to 8180.  I access http://localhost:8180 and I get ... the SQLite
>> home page, not Fossil's.  Tinkering around with various values for
>> "relay-to" always gets me either SQLite's home page or error messages.
>> What, precisely, should I be setting up in there?
> Bummer.
> www.sqlite.org and www.fossil-scm.org use the same IP address.  The web
> server distinguishes between them by looking at the HOST: parameter in the
> HTTP header.  But with the setup above, the HOST: parameter is being set to
> "localhost:8180" which the web server then defaults to SQLite.
> I'm not sure how to work around that.  Anybody else have any ideas on how
> to eavesdrop on the TCP/IP connection between the web browser and the Fossil
> web server?

Can you set up a dummy fossil repo on that machine at any other port and
give it the account "error" password "check" for logging in?

As another data point, if I use fossil ui, I have no problem logging in and
seeing the timeline properly.  The same applies if I run fossil server on a
remote machine and connect -- indeed the very same machine I'm having
problems with in my official repos.  The problem seems to lie specifically
in repos that are CGI-enabled.

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