On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Jan Danielsson
<jan.m.daniels...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   The reason I used environment variables was that I couldn't figure
> out a good interface for managing certificates/keys.

One option, which could also solve the password protected cert issue,
would be to do as some versions of SSH do: A seperate cert management
agent. The agent, when starting, would allow the user to specify which
certs to make available, prompting for passwords as needed, then would
background itself and use inter-process communications to receive and
respond to requests from client processes. (Naturally, you would want
the agent to terminate when the user logs out.)

>   Finally, a known limitation is that it doesn't support password
> protected client keys. This is on my ToDo-list.

See above.
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