On 4/11/2011 2:09 PM, Stephan Beal wrote:
> When viewing the timeline using custom options (e.g. specific date and
> count parameters), then leaving the timeline (e.g., to log in so that
> the timeline links are visible), "it would be cool" if the next click on
> the timeline line restored my previous state. With persistent sessions,
> that type of thing would be possible.

That would be nice, sure, but you don't need sessions for it. A simple 
cookie could handle it fine, and you wouldn't have to maintain state on 
the server. E.g., there's no reason not to provide that convenience to 
not-logged-in users or to anonymous logged-in users, too, except that if 
you used sessions for it you could potentially end up with a lot of 
temporary junk stored in your repo db to handle it.

Joshua Paine
LetterBlock: Web Applications Built With Joy
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