fossil does not do anything with javascript libraries.
 I don't have a problem with that. :-)
 What is important to understand is that:
    release <> repository contents

 I mean you could add javascript libraries and modifications
 to the fossil header, footer, ticket, report. This won't jeopardise
 your software project. Because your release doesn't depend on
 the javascript "enhancements" to fossil.

 So you could build your fossil "template" repository which
 you could clone for every new project you start. and reap the
 benefits of your javascript enhancements
 (diff highlighting , source code highlighting, wiki editing)
 This is also be a great way to experience the influence of
 javascript and give recommendations for, more (or less), javascript in

 I do understand that some javascript enhancements are indirect
 because the body generation is buried in fossil. e.g
 for diff highlighting you need to work on the DOM after the
 page has been loaded.
 But if these enhancements become popular than it might migrate into 

 Off course this clowning around with javascript might distract
 you from the real thing.
     Your software project

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