I like this and will try to support or help if possible.  Both are good ideas, 
Windows explorer extension would be a natural extension of this.

CR/LF - very windows specific
LF - is very common on other platforms (*nix)
CR - Mac specific I think

Without checking is it possible that you are receiving just the LF which you 
should be able to parse on with stdout output.  If there is no CR/LF,LF, or CR 
then I think one of these would be considered a reasonable enhancement to 
Fossil.  It just may that the right choice isn't CR/LF.


When I am back home at my computer I will give the windows app a try.


Date: Sat, 07 May 2011 23:07:56 +0200
From: Ingo Koch <fos...@ikoch.de>
Subject: [fossil-users] SharpFossil/WinFossil
To: fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org
Message-ID: <4dc5b4ac.6000...@ikoch.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15

Hi all,

for all those who are missing a Visual Studio integration of fossil, I started a
project to provide a C# wrapper around the fossil command line. The long term
goal is to provide a SccProvider for VS. As a prove of concept for the lib I've
also added a Windows application which uses SharpFossil to provide a graphical
interface for the fossil comands.

Neither SharpFossil (the wrapper library) nor WinFossil (the Windows UI for
fossil) are complete, but they already have some features which might be useful.
If you want to try it, please be aware of the fact that you need a slightly
modified version of fossil (reasons for this on the website mentioned below)
which is included into the repository and the distribution zip file.

I'd like to invite anyone who is interested in Windows/Visual Studio integration
to participate. Take a look and test it with your environment, submit bug
reports ore feature requests, be part of the development team (to be build ;-) 

For details and download see
Please clone and play with it. Any response is welcome.
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