I really dislike autoconf - a feeling cultivated through years of experience
trying to use it.  And I think I'm probably not alone in that feeling.  I've
tried to avoid having to use autoconf in Fossil and have been reasonably
successful at that for the first 5 years.  But I think we may be nearing the
point where going to autoconf is inevitable.  (sigh...)

So, I'm asking for volunteers for people with better autoconf-foo than me,
to put together an autoconf/automake setup for Fossil.  If you are good with
autoconf/automake, please consider contributing your expertise to the

Objectives (not an any particular order):

(1) "./configure; make install" should work on all unix systems

(2) There should be a default Makefile that does not require "configure"
that will work on most common systems simply by running "make".

(3) The result should fix tickets
http://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/info/084eedc010 and

(4) The result should have a 0 Fail-Score according to

(5) Further to (4) above, there needs to be a configuration option that
causes the result to link against a system SQLite library rather than using
the built-in SQLite library.

(6) There should be a configure option to enable static linking, in order to
simplify the generation of binaries for use inside chroot jails.

(7) There should be a configure option to enable and disable SSL support.

(8) There should be a configure option to enable and disable command-line
editing support for the "fossil sql" command.

(9) There should be a configure option to enable FOSSIL_DEBUG.

(10) The src/makemake.tcl script should continue to work - it should still
build out the various windows makefiles and the unix "main.mk" file.  In
other words, autoconf should make use of main.mk.

(11) Bonus points if you can get a configure script that can be used to
cross-compile Fossil from one unix platform to another, and double bonus
points if you can get a configure script that will cross-compile Fossil on
Linux targeting windows!

If you are willing to help with this, your contribution will be greatly
appreciated.  Tnx.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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