So, I'm aware of drh's message from 2010-03-06 [1]. Is merging repositories 
this way still supposed to work? If so, I'll open a ticket with the 
information below. -Martin


# background: two teams working on some stuff, the fossil-using
# team working on something that ended up being a subset of the
# cvs-using team. Joerg's version of cvs2fossil made a fossil out
# of the "unitsdb" team (see below).
# The goal was to merge the resulting fossil with the subset that
# the "prefixes_derived" team was working on, resulting in a single
# fossil that contains both...

$ mkdir merge
$ cd merge && fossil open ../unitsdb.fossil
# ... snip, output deleted
$ fossil info
project-name: <unnamed>
repository:   /home/www/tmp/m/unitsdb.fossil
local-root:   /home/www/tmp/m/merge/
project-code: eeb7e06236b08dc4b57b6ab3b957fe5756c64f5b
server-code:  dc2df780602e6d8561d1a7280acbe4aabfe15ad3
checkout:     df5c154920608f11c26a4a98f3d179b792b1ef94 2011-08-24 20:20:09 UTC
parent:       443c51cf173da58579e5457c7a634e3e51d85773 2011-08-18 15:58:06 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      (Martin) Checkin before I munge everything.. (user: wwwpl)

$ cd ..
$ fossil sqlite3 -R prefixes_derived.fossil
SQLite version 3.7.7 2011-06-24 11:29:51
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> update config set value='eeb7e06236b08dc4b57b6ab3b957fe5756c64f5b' 
where name='project-code';
sqlite> .quit

$ cd merge
$ fossil ui -P 12345 &
$ cd ..
$ mkdir pd
$ cd pd
$ fossil open ../prefixes_derived.fossil
# snip and then
project-name: Prefixed and Derived units
repository:   /home/www/tmp/m/prefixes_derived.fossil
local-root:   /home/www/tmp/m/pd/
project-code: eeb7e06236b08dc4b57b6ab3b957fe5756c64f5b
server-code:  67266cf692b50dd078ffee601caf7f345fa3d243
checkout:     cccd2619d9fb3724f96a806f55f443837dbc9bbe 2011-08-16 23:33:50 UTC
parent:       f3876370ba605de6706717018ee0f41dde9d4df0 2011-08-11 21:13:35 UTC
child:        53c88f11df96c0156e9cbf3e0ba28905da261500 2011-08-16 23:38:07 UTC
tags:         trunk

# project codes agree$ pwd
$ fossil push http://localhost:12345
                 Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Sent:            7858        169          0          0
Received:        7928        169          0          0
Sent:          295775        322         14          1
Received:        7270        155          0          0
Sent:          274809        307         16          0
Received:        6518        139          0          0
Sent:          273684        292         15          0
Received:        5813        124          0          0
Sent:          286499        289          3          0
Received:        5672        121          0          0
Sent:          338281        281          8          0
Received:        5296        113          0          0
Sent:          325753        276          5          0
Received:        5061        108          0          0
Sent:          294428        269          6          1
Received:        4732        101          0          0
Sent:          267993        199         25         45
Received:        7129        152          0          0
Sent:          251184        169         14        137
waiting for server...

Now. The server sits here eating 100% CPU and increasing its memory usage -- 
and not doing anything else. right now this is how it looks from top(1):

12375 wwwpl     33   8 2567m 1.3g  972 R 99.8 34.2   7:00.64 fossil 

This is fossil version 1.18 [df9da91ba8] 2011-07-13 23:03:41 UTC

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