On Mon, Sep 05, 2011 at 07:26:37PM +0200, Remigiusz Modrzejewski wrote:

> I'm wondering if this warning is OK:
> ./storage/exp-queue6deads-rectime-N200-s8-r3-b1000-c1_2-upbw28-mtbf1440.pdf
> contains CR/NL line endings; commit anyhow (yes/no/all)?
> While committing in a recent trunk build. I just don't know what's the
> story behind line endings in PDF.
The problem is while PDF is considered to be a binary file (and it
indeed usually contains compressed regions, it does contain ASCII header
and footer (I think it's its PostScript heritage), so it can be
considered to be a plain ASCII file by any tool which does not look for
its special magic character sequence (in the first line of the header).
Probably Fossil does not do that.

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